If you’re reading this, then it’s likely that you’ve been through a recent gastric sleeve surgery and are wondering how to deal with alcohol. Read on to find out more about what we can tell you about drinking alcohol after gastric sleeve surgery!

What is gastric sleeve surgery, and how does it work?

A gastric sleeve surgery involves the removal of a large portion of your stomach, leaving you with a smaller stomach. There is no stapling or plodding involved in this particular bariatric procedure, which makes it reversible and adjustable. This type of weight loss surgery leaves your stomach looking more like a banana rather than an eggplant when it is stapled.

The risks of drinking alcohol after gastric sleeve surgery:

Alcohol can be damaging to your newly narrowed stomach and intestines after gastric sleeve surgery. Sipping on alcoholic beverages during the three days following your gastric sleeve procedure can make you nauseous or lead to vomiting, both of which are side effects of anesthesia.

The long-term risks of drinking after gastric sleeve surgery are even more concerning. Drinking in the post-operative stage can increase your risk for bile reflux, which can cause stomach pain and discomfort. Drinking alcohol one week after surgery may cause dizziness, nausea, or vomiting when you stand up too quickly because your blood pressure is low due to your smaller stomach. Therefore, it’s important to follow Healthy Lifestyle Changes.

Drinking alcohol in the long term after a gastric sleeve surgery can lead to high blood pressure and gastrointestinal bleeding. It also increases your risk of developing esophagitis which is a painful erosion in the lining of your esophagus, or a complication called stomal stenosis, which occurs when you have trouble eating due to a stricture of your stomach.

Why should you avoid drinking alcohol for at least 6 months after your operation?

You should wait at least 6 months after surgery to begin drinking alcohol again because it takes that long for your new stomach pouch to adjust. Drinking before this time causes nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. If you are overweight or have any of the associated problems with being overweight, then it is best to avoid alcohol completely.

Tips for maintaining good health post-surgery with limited or no drinking:

You can enjoy a low-calorie, fun mocktail by mixing club soda and cranberry juice. Try adding fruit like oranges and berries to your water for flavor and texture. You can even try switching over to dry wine if you don’t like the taste of non -alcoholic beverages.

Learn more: What Can You Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Why should you avoid drinking alcohol for at least 6 months after your operation?

Alcohol should only be consumed sparingly, even if it is allowed one week post-surgery. If you choose to drink, limit yourself to one standard alcoholic drink per day and consume water in between drinks or with your meal. You can also have alcoholic drinks with a fat-free snack to slow down digestion and absorption of alcohol into your body.

After reading this blog post, you should have a better understanding of when to drink alcoholic beverages after gastric sleeve surgery. It is important that you never exceed your recommended daily guidelines for alcohol consumption. When in doubt about the best way to handle drinking following Gastric Sleeve Surgery in West Texas, ask your doctor!