There are multiple things to consider before going under the knife for a breast implant. Besides the pain, costs, recovery period, and the end result – the possibility for replacing breast implants in the future should be accounted for too in your decision. Breast implants do not have a lifetime guarantee. The longer they stay inside you, the greater are the chances of complications building within. When you get a breast implant, you have basically signed up for maintenance procedures at specific time periods for a lifetime or for the period you choose to keep them in.

The FDA says up to 20 percent of women who get a breast implant would have to replace/remove their implants once every eight to 10 years. At this stage, patients can choose to replace the implants or have them removed altogether. The problem with removing the implants is the stretchy, loose chest skin that is left behind. With years of stretching caused by the implant, the skin usually doesn’t retract, leaving behind some trace of a breast augmentation procedure done in the region.

Typically, implants must be replaced once every decade. However, the number of years may vary across patients. There are women who’ve had implants for more than 20 years without needing a replacement. And there are also patients who have had to remove their implants within five years from the date of surgery. The patient’s body has a major say.

Breast implants are required because they are not forever. When over their shelf life, these implants could break down. Breast implants are made of human-made materials. While they undergo tests and are proven to be extremely reliable and durable, they aren’t permanent products.

Women’s bodies change – thanks to physiology, gravity, and several other things. With these changes, the breast implant’s surroundings or environment changes too. With skin losing luster and elasticity, there could arise the need to replace the implant in a way that fits the aging body of the woman better.

If the replacements are not done when needed or as per doctor advise, the implant would most likely rupture or fall. Although ruptured implants do not mean the end of the world, particularly in today’s day and age of medical sciences, it’s a phenomenon that you still need to be worried about.

Saline implant ruptures are usually noticeable, with the implanted breast’s size decreasing in size. Gel or silicone implant ruptures usually aren’t that obvious from the outside since the implant doesn’t deflate as it does with saline implants. Rupture won’t cause implant gel to leak. However, the shape could get altered a bit.

Another risk is capsular contracture – internal scar formation around the implant. The breast’s appearance would change with both saline and gel implants as the contracture deteriorates. However, a contracture alone doesn’t warrant implant removal. When there is breast distortion and/or pain accompanying the contracture, an implant replacement and capsulotomy (procedure for releasing the capsule) are carried out. There is the infection risk too and, along with appearance distortion, a ridge or fold could become visible on the outer portion of the breast.

Looking for more information? Consider contacting Dr. William M. Jacobsen today.