In 2017, 17.5 million procedures were conducted, which is a 2 percent increase from the amount in 2016. Liposuction accounts for about a quarter of a million of these cases, an increase of 5% from the year prior. The top ten points to be aware of concerning this increasingly frequent and well-liked plastic surgery technique are listed below.

Conventional liposuction

Liposculpture, another name for liposuction, is a surgical technique used to dissolve and remove subcutaneous fat, or fat that is just beneath the skin, from areas of the body that are infamous for being obstinately resistant to exercise and diet. This is a method to eliminate a pocket of fat in otherwise healthy people that is not responding, not a weight loss operation.

Where is the liposuction procedure done?

Typical “problem” areas of the body for liposuction procedures include the back of the neck, bottom of upper arms, double chin, women’s breasts, saddlebags or outer thighs, bra strap area, belly pouch or abdomen muffin, and best love handles. Man’s bosom, ankles, inner thighs, and upper back are less frequently affected locations. Everyone has a different ideal area since they all react differently to diet and exercise. Patients are consulted by board-certified plastic surgeons to identify the body parts that are candidates for liposuction.

What qualities define the perfect candidate for the surgery?

A healthy person at or near their target weight is the ideal candidate for liposuction. They don’t smoke either. Ideal patients do not have visceral fat, which is the layer of fat that is beneath the muscle layer surrounding the abdominal organs, but rather persistent subcutaneous fat, which is fat that lies between muscle and skin. Surgeons will also assess a potential patient’s skin condition before proposing liposuction. Individuals who have cellulite or loose skin are not ideal candidates for liposuction since these disorders might cause uneven or dimpled skin. On the other hand, people with strong skin elasticity are good candidates.

Is liposuction a method for losing weight? How much fat is salvageable?

Despite what many people think, liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure. It is a fat-loss technique instead. Several variables affect how much fat can be removed in a particular area in a single procedure, including the patient’s desired level of aesthetics and the surgeon’s evaluation of your health.

How should a patient get ready for surgery to remove fat?

In general, it is most important to enlist a supportive friend or family member who can help drive to and from the surgical center and assist with post-surgical care. It might be necessary to stop taking some drugs, such as blood thinners and aspirin, before the procedure. In certain instances, pre-anesthesia blood work is performed to confirm the patient’s suitability for anesthesia. Lastly, there will be a window of time on the day of the procedure during which you should not eat or drink anything; this is usually twelve hours before the scheduled time.

What takes place throughout the process? How is it carried out?

During a liposuction surgical procedure in the clinic like liposuction at SRGN Clinic, tiny skin incisions are made, and a cannula is inserted into the fat pocket. To remove the fat, this cannula is fastened to a syringe or suction device. Since this is usually an outpatient procedure, patients are frequently permitted to return home the same day of the procedure, even though they may be placed under general anesthesia.

How is the recovery going?

Though recovery and postsurgical care vary depending on the area treated and the amount of fat removed, most patients can return to work in a few days and resume all normal activities, including exercise, in 2 to 4 weeks or less. The best approach to ensure a quick and painless recovery is to follow the instructions. You might feel a little uneasy. Lifestyle choices such as rest, staying hydrated, and quitting smoking, however, will expedite the healing process and reduce complications. The most common postsurgical effects can include some swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the area of the procedure. The surgical team will offer some options for pain relief after surgery as well as a list of pain relievers to avoid.

Additionally, scarring differs based on the patient’s skin type. Surgeons will discuss the location and how they can minimize the appearance of scarring. Plastic Surgeons can help you anticipate and envisage realistic results. Immediately after surgery, there will be some edema and the skin may be loose. Because of this, it can take several weeks to months to observe the full extent of the results of the surgery. It is crucial to note, however, that patients can still grow new fat cells, therefore keeping a balanced diet, lifestyle, and activity plan after treatment can help prevent new fat gain.